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参与项目:北京国际设计周-751国际设计节 BJDW-751 Design Festival

参与方式* Participation Method :展览 Exhibition\装置作品 Installation\视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design

主办方\参与方 全称   * Orgnizer \ Company Full Name 北京千刻科技有限公司

主办方logo*   The logo of the organizer ai或pdf格式,以附件提交; ai or pdf format and attached

设计师 Designer

展览全称 Title of Project * "手机摄影展Mobile Photography Exhibition"

公司网站 Website *:http://qiankr.com/

公司地址 Address *:"极?地 国际创新中心

Building A9-1, 751 D·PARK

751 D·PARK 北京时尚设计广场 A9-1 楼

4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


展览简介 Brief Introduction *(附展览关键词)


从 而让更多的人都可以参与其中,使以前很多只有专业人士才拥有的精英话语权被完全的颠覆了。因此说手机摄影不是延续摄影而是重新发明了摄影。千刻致力于在中 国推广手机摄影文化并挖掘手机摄影作品具有的巨大商业价值,此次移动艺术节是国内第一次举办的以手机摄影为主题的摄影展览。


Since iPhone was born, which leading the sixth photographic movement in human history — phone photographic to tread the boards formally.Not only the working style of photography has been changed tremendously, but expanding the range of photographic as the art of margin.Currently, more and more people can participate in photography instead of only specialist before which has been disrupted by mobile photography immediately. In that, mobile photography is rather reinventing of photography than continuation.Qiankr has been dedicated to generalizing mobile photography culture and discover the enormous commercial value of mobile photographic works in China. The mobile arts festival is  the first photographic one which hosting with mobile photographic theme.Qiankr invited lots of authors from advanced mobile photographic erea such as China, America, Singapore and so on, and we hope that these works could introduce mobile photography to more people. "

机构\单位介绍 * Orgization\Company introduction      


Qiankr is a mobile platform and an incubator for iPhoneography and iPhoneographers.Here we repect iPhoneography, and believe iPhoneography will revolutionize and set iPhoneograhy to a new level.Here we are seeking for talented iPhoneographers, and let them to express themselves freely.Here we montize creativity, and make great photos seen and known in majority.Let the camera speak, feel and record. The moment is yours."

图片 Pictures * 3-5张,不低于300dpi  TIFF或者JPG的CMYK 印刷格式         3-5 pictures, no less than 300dpi,  TIFF or JPG in CMYK format

活动日期 Dates of Duration * 9月25日至10月6日

策展人姓名 (选填) Curator Name (Optional) 张鹏

赞助商  (选填)  Name of Sponsors

* 导览手册信息提交至邮箱:bjdf751@163.com,资料的提交截止日期为8月17日。


*The Exhibition dates of Beijing Design Week-751 Design Festival is from September 26 to October 3.Daily Opening hours is from 10:00 to 18:00. The deadline for the submission is 17th,August.plz send the material to : bjdf651@163.com



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