西西里是一个老派的意大利restau咆哮位于新南威尔士,澳大利亚。作为品牌名称见sub武功,设计bor行上帝才从1940年的绅士的风格的帮派消毒器的电影。我们图像放大快乐这是黑手党的地方老板patro n伊势。ra的typogphy标志的灵感来自engravings枪支。”
The Sicilian Identity by Bravo Company
Clever branding work produced by Bravo Company for The Sicilian, an Italian restaurant located in New South Wales, Australia.
“The Sicilian is an old-style Italian restaurant located in New South Wales, Australia. As the brand name suggests, the design borrows heavily from the gentlemen’s style of 1940’s gangster films. We imagine this to be a place where mafia bosses patronise. The typography of the logo is inspired by engravings on firearms.”