Orphans of Time: Hauntingly Beautiful Photos by Rebecca Litchfield
Fine art photographer Rebecca Litchfield explores the peaceful beauty of abandoned places.
“There is considerable aesthetic beauty in things decayed, the objects that still remain, but may soon disappear forever. They tell a story of a long and interesting past like artefacts in a museum. Some people travel to the ruins of Rome, the crumbling Colosseum, others to see the enchanting ruins of the Machu Picchu. These majestic places are crumbling with time and one day will disappear from humanity in their entirety.
But there is no difference between these iconic world sites, which attract tourism and the abandoned places known to so few. Hidden from the narrative of history, these places are imbued with a wealth of meaning, a history of their own, which deserves to be recorded for prosperity too. It is absolutely vital to sensitively preserve this rich history before it is gone forever.”
– Rebecca Litchfield