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Kaleido-Wall 1.0:由Vin和普里扬卡Rathod艺术装置设计

素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-10-10 | 标签: 设计 艺术装置设计

Kaleido-Wall 1.0:由Vin和普里扬卡Rathod艺术装置

“Kaleido-Wall 1.0”是一种催眠的艺术安装由Vin Rathod和普里扬卡Rathod澳大利亚悉尼节生动。

“Kaleido-Wall 1.0的灵感来自于迷人的玩具万花筒。这个简单的圆柱体的珠子和镜子五颜六色的反射和折射的创造了一个神奇的世界。不断转变,闪闪发光的颜色模式和复杂的形状总是吸引我的目光,我想做一个大规模的艺术装置基于这个概念。”


Kaleido - 1.0墙是为了享受,通过运动和反射。这是一个合适的地方出售。在那之前,它将继续在各个画廊展览所有享受它的环境提供一个独特的模式。”

Kaleido-Wall 1.0: Art Installation by Vin & Priyanka Rathod

“Kaleido-Wall 1.0″ is a hypnotic art installation created by Vin Rathod and Priyanka Rathod for Australian festival Vivid Sydney.

“Kaleido-Wall 1.0 draws inspiration from the fascinating toy Kaleidoscope. ‘This simple cylinder of beads and mirrors creates a magical world of colourful reflection and refraction. The endlessly shifting, glittering patterns of colour and intricate shapes always caught my eye and I wanted to make a large scale art installation based on this concept.’

The artwork relies on light and on movement in its surrounding environment to create complex, multicoloured patterns. The reflections are in three layers. The first one is kaleidoscope of LED lights. Next layer is reflection of people and their movements. The third layer is the reflection of Opera house with its colourful projection specially designed for the event.

Kaleido – Wall 1.0 is meant to be enjoyed and interacted via movements and reflections. It is up for sale for a suitable place. Until then, it will continue to exhibit at various galleries for all to enjoy a unique pattern it offers to its surroundings.”














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