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崇高的时刻:Eyal Gever艺术设施
Eyal Gever是一个获奖的艺术家驻特拉维夫。他用自己的专用三维物理模拟技术作为起点创造惊人的雕塑,装置和数字打印。
——Eyal GeverSublime Moments: Art Installations by Eyal Gever

Eyal Gever is an award-winning artist based in Tel Aviv. He uses his own proprietary 3D physical simulation technologies as a starting point to create stunning sculptures, installations and digital prints.

“I create sculptures based on sublime moments. These are moments that fill a person with amazement, awe, terror, astonishment, and silence.
They are also moments of pure beauty.

To see something we normally cannot see. To examine states where rest and motion exist together. To explore the boundaries of time.”

- Eyal Gever






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