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素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-08-08 | 标签: 设计 艺术设计


“我觉得马特Maust是现代毕加索或现代jean - michel Basquiat可能更准确。我从来没搞抽象工作太多,但Maust把排版和图像的方式是辉煌的。instagram跟着他,我可能任何人我呆的时间最长,从他的作品开始试图弄明白他是如何工作的。也清楚他到底是说在他的标题。我觉得他的标题一样抽象艺术作品。

Guest Post: Abstract Artworks by Matt Maust

We have recently featured the work of Oklahoma-based artist Nathan Yoder here on The Grid and today he’s back with a guest post featuring one of his favourite artists, Matt Maust:

“I feel like Matt Maust is a modern day Picasso or probably more accurately a modern day Jean-Michel Basquiat. I’ve never gotten into abstract work much, but the way that Maust blends typography with imagery is brilliant. Following him on instagram, I probably spend the most time out of anyone else I follow, starting at his pieces trying to figure out how he made it work. And also what the heck he is saying in his captions. I feel like his captions are just as abstract as his artwork.

In addition to being an incredible artist, he’s also the bass player for the Cold War Kids, one of my favorite bands. He does all of their artwork and it totally fits their sound.”

- Nathan Yoder

Thanks for the guest post, Nathan!






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