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脆弱的第二:照片系列Htet t .圣
Htet t .圣在纽约是一个基于缅甸摄影师。

The Frail Second: Photo Series by Htet T. San

Htet T. San is a Burmese photographer based in New York.

To create this gorgeous series entitled “The Frail Second”, the photographer visited a number of beaches around New York to capture the concept of “the complete nothingness” through reflections of people seen in the wet sand.

“Each of the photographs shows a human figure walking, running, or playing on the beach. They appear to be reflections, but look closer and you’ll see that neither up nor down shows the real world.

The images are disorienting due to the fact that they’re actually blended composite images created by stacking multiple images.”





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