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Skimming over the surface
Although blurry on the water with small waves, the reflection is more beautiful.
Water, mountain, tree, villas and sky become a pretty picture by an artist in colors of white, green and yellow.

Occasional leisure during busy times
Silent and cool in the morning, a cane chair, a pot of light tea, and spacious green waves, what a leisure!

Scene out of photo
This photo with true scene is too good to be true. I recorded the peaceful time when the boat got anchored in the dock. Staring at this photo for a big while and there is really something in my heart that I can cot describe.

During my childhood, I was told that there was flyaway in desert and I have been longing for it. I want to know how bewitching it is. Seeing Royal Garden from the center of the lake occasionally, I feel confused, which one is true, the villas with red roof and yellow walls or its reflection in the lake? Is this flyaway?

Spiritual stones
御花苑的小山上有一块大石,没有人知道它为什么会立在那,相传这是一块天外飞石,正是有了这样一块石才让这个山头看来别有灵气,正所谓:“山不在高有' 石’则灵,水不在深有龙则吟”。
There is a big stone in the hill of Royal Garden, nobody has the idea why it is there. In legend it is from heaven, and that’s why it is spiritual. That’s to say: the stones will bring spirit to the hill even it is not high, the dragon can make water vivid even though it is not deep.

Morning in the dock
The morning sun makes the waves shinning lazily, and also creates a peaceful and silent world when it shines on the white yacht. Sometimes waves lap the dock pillars gently, sometimes a little fish jumps out of the water and gives some bubbles……

Sunrise makes river flowers as red as fire
When I arrived in the dock, the sun rose. The yacht became white and lake was green at the time when sunshine burst out from the right of the lake, especially that fire-red river flowers. Sunrise makes river flowers as red as fire and the spring brings green and blue river water.

双塔奇兵 Two Towers
On the byway of villas of Royal Garden, I was evoked the famous movie of Two Towers when I see two trees and one street lamp. Two yellow trees like two little towers when the lamp becomes a special weapon, both draw a harmonious picture with the yellow villas at back.

There is grassland on the natural brae of Royal Garden, yellow and green, fighting with the autumn. In this grassland, an alley wanders forward, just like the traces from a big snake’ creeping. At the end of the alley, there is a small bamboo forest which looks depraved in the lazy sunshine, which makes the end of the alley mysterious.

The wit’s happiness, those with humanity’s happiness, sole happiness
I took 2 photos near the water and three in the woods, and I recorded the steps of the traveler. In the fishing place I pictured innumerous thoughts. However, photos are not enough to explain the enthusiasm deep in my heart, and this is happiness of my own.

Imaginable world is real world
In the world of imagination, there are numerable excellences which will disappear after they bring back success. Therefore, let’s turn imaginations into reality and creates successful lives in the real world.


All extraordinary imaginations in life will be turned into reality in Royal Gard



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