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Foodology Identity by Somewhere Else

Singapore-based studio Somewhere Else just released this comprehensive brand identity system for Foodology, an 8,000 square feet restaurant located in Singapore’s financial district.

“Based on the name, the identity treats Foodology as an institution for food and borrows different graphic elements from academia to create its own unique voice. The logo is designed like a seal with a “F” symbol and to express the fact that Foodology provides a wide selection of foods, the logotype comes in 6 different permutations with the “o”s replaced by different abstract symbols. To ensure that the identity system is flexible enough to accomomodate the different situations and broad spectrum of applications such a brand may encounter, an extensive set of illustrations and secondary graphics were also developed. These graphics allow the brand to be dynamic and show customers a multi-faceted, well rounded personality.”






房地产的VI做起来,就像是在搞艺术 唱片封面设计 | 看得见的音乐艺术 “美味酒廊”VI设计欣赏 美学茶话:读懂齐白石的画,我放弃了画画

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