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素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-08-18 | 标签: 设计 黑白设计


约翰·Ryno de湿Underland照片系列

美丽的和有趣的黑白系列由南非摄影师约翰·Ryno de湿。

Underland“一系列图像由约翰·Ryno de湿艺术家建立了地下的避难所。这是他面临的恐惧的方式履行坏的预兆。“Underland”是世界下世界,潜意识。在这种情况下,重新在一个完全清晰和现实的方式。

过去的例子中,艺术家们在梦中反映图片诱发通过绘画,绘画或写作。但我知道的一些例子,在摄影。Ryno de湿搜索栖居的梦想世界上风景,和照片,数字操纵后,组成他回忆说。


桑托斯(Juan Jose

Underland Photo Series by Johann Ryno de Wet

Beautiful and intriguing black and white series by South African photographer Johann Ryno de Wet.

“The series of images “Underland” by Johann Ryno de Wet is the refuge that the artist has built underground. It is his way of facing the fear of fulfilling his worst omens. “Underland” is the world beneath the world, the subconscious. In this case, revived in a completely clear and realistic way.

In the examples of the past, artists have reflected the images evoked in dreams through painting, drawing or writing. But I know few examples of doing that in photography. Ryno de Wet searches the dreamed landscapes in the world that he inhabits, photographs them and, after digital manipulation, composes them as he recalls.

We are not talking about photographic realism, on the contrary, these are unreal images. Disturbing and menacing, but in a contradictory way, calming too.”

- Juan José Santos





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